Monday, February 2, 2015

Parenthood- the TV show- after 6 seasons I will miss you!

Parenthood- for 6 years I have watched every episode. Cried almost every week and yet smiled through it all. This show has meant so much to me over the last 6 years. Robbie is turning 9 in March. He was diagnosed at 3. I watched as Max Braverman- a character on the show- was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. I cried with the family- relating to the horrible sense of loss that accompanies a new diagnosis- of any kind. I watched the final episode where he graduated from High school- a charter school his mother had founded especially for kids like him. As the years went on I sometimes felt a bit detached to  Max's character as Asperger's- while considered part of the spectrum of autism- is different than Robbie's diagnosis of moderate Autism. And even more- different than Robbie. Max does not like to be touched and almost never makes eye contact. While Robbie's eye contact comes and goes with people he does not know well, he makes fairly consistent eye contact at home. Robbie also likes to be touched- hugged and kissed. (Particularly big squeezes ) The interaction with Max and his siblings- or lack of interaction is also different. People often ask me how Robbie is with his siblings. I answer, but always find that to be an odd question- until I remember they don't know Robbie. He loves his siblings. He is excited to see Lexi after school and plays really well with her. She is his one true friend. He is also good with Timmy- most of the time, just as any other child would be with a toddler sibling. ( Timmy takes his toys, legos, food, juice, etc, etc, etc. I would be frustrated by that. ) There are similarities as well. The social awkwardness, being content to stay home, lack of interest in organized team sports, being very focused on one thing at a time. The inability to understand common phrases or slang. " See you later alligator " is followed by "I am not an alligator!!" usually yelled back in frustration by Robbie. These are also just similarities between Robbie and Max. I know other children on the spectrum who crave social interaction and enjoy team sports. Every child is different yet there are many strands of similarities. Again- its a spectrum.
As Autism rates sky rocket it is a bit amazing to me that there are not other shows which discuss the issues involved in life on the spectrum- or maybe I've missed them? At any rate- Parenthood and The Braverman family- I will miss you. Thank you for ending the season where you see some true joy on Max's face, as I sometimes see on Robbie's. Max hugs his baby sister, he plays baseball with his family, he takes pictures at a family wedding- a skill he is really good at.. Thank you for holding my hand through the last 6 years. Now who will be for the next 6? Any suggestions?

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