Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Autism Reversed...........................nope

I had coffee this morning with a coworker and friend from many lifetimes ago. The pre marriage and pre children era. While we were catching up on each lives- kids, marriage, divorce, many career moves- she mentioned a friend who had a child at the same time she did. This friend's son had a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. However this friend through early intervention had reversed the diagnosis.
I felt my body tense. My teeth clenched. I bit my tongue for a minute. I had just mentioned that Robbie was doing well a few minutes prior. I took a breathe. She didn't realize the effect that statement had on me. I explained my position.
There is no evidence that Autism can be reversed. There is no evidence that Autism can be cured.  I believe that some children can learn how to handle situations and their own internal struggles to manage symptoms. I believe that many of those put into the umbrella of Autism Spectrum disorder may not have Autism. I believe many may have other issues such as food allergies or sensory issues. However many on the Autism Spectrum have food allergies/ sensitivities and sensory issues so it can be a difficult thing to define. I don't think we'll ever truly know what causes Autism. It is a puzzle with many pieces as the logo shows.
And yes,  Robbie is doing really well- for Robbie. As his teacher said during our conference today when I asked- as I do at every conference- "How does Robbie stack up academically compared to his neuro-typical peers?" Her response " He is exactly where Robbie should be. He has made a lot of progress over the last 3 years." Academically he is somewhere around a first grade level. Still, he has Autism spectrum disorder. He struggles with stimming behaviors and focus. Yet he is advancing and improving. He is learning some self regulation behaviors. He is becoming more social. He is participating in games club- playing Uno with 2 fourth grade girls. ( He loves the girls.) He has a buddy named Danny that he plays Minecraft with at the end of every day. He loves school and his routine. He is happy. He is loving. He is Robbie. He is my son and I am proud of him!

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