Saturday, February 20, 2021

We all need a little socialization- and a movie


As Covid goes on and on………..Robbie is yearning for some socialization. Last night we talked about kickball, which his little brother will be doing in the spring. I had my computer in front of me and he happily said” I’d love to play” and came to sit by me. As he looked at my computer, I realized he thought I was talking about a computer game. But the more I think about it the more I imagine him playing kickball. Kickball with some of his friends who all happen to be on the spectrum.  And maybe a few other kids as well. And then my mind wandered.  I was reminded of the time I had signed Robbie up for soccer as a toddler. It was at a park where there was a small field and a playground with swings to the side.  The swings caught his attention immediately and that was all he wanted to do.  He could swing for hours- still can. It didn’t resonate at that time as anything out of the norm- other than maybe he didn’t like soccer.  Now that I think about it if I get it if I get a kickball game going, I need to ensure it’s at a location where there are no swings to distract him.  Or maybe I’ll suggest a day at the park- on the swings instead.  To be honest - he’d prefer that anyways- who am I kidding!

It’s funny the memories that pop into your head some days. Those days there was very little language. These days there is lots of talking. Most of the talking is about movies. He loves movies. He loves to watch movies, talk about movies, draw pictures of characters from movies…….  Generally it’s the same handful of movies that he obsesses about for a few months at a time. These days its Aliens in the Attic, Over the Hedge, and Hop.   Our latest obsession is about creating a movie. He’d like to recreate Aliens in the Attic using our family. It’s mentioned at least 50 times a day. “I want to make a movie- like Aliens in the attic. With the heros and villians . we’d be heros and have shooters, like the potato shooters on Aliens in the attic. You like Aliens in the Attic? You want want to watch with me? I’m going to go watch in my room.”  Hopefully, one day soon- when things get back to some kind of normal we’ll be able to find a way for Robbie to play out this movie- or who knows- maybe he’ll grow up to be the next Spielberg.  One can dream 😊

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