Thursday, January 8, 2015

A simple fact

Here is a simple fact- and one that resonates with most parents. I will like you if you are nice to my kids. If you show them kindness and treat them with respect. Sounds pretty simple. Most of the time it is pretty simple. Who would be unkind to a child?
I understand that autism can be a scary word. It is different. Some may not know how to react to a child that is different- especially one who may not respond to them at all. Some days Robbie is completely engaged and will acknowledge others and have clear concise communication- like right now as he is explaining what's going on in the movie Astro Boy- and I am obviously not paying attention. He is giving me the play by the play- to ensure I don't miss out on his joy. ( He loves this movie.) Other days Robbie is - for lack of a better term "stuck in his own head." He will not make eye contact and if you try to engage him , he will seem to ignore you. That can be frustrating. And I understand why some would give up.
I ask- please - continue to try and engage him. Try and talk to him. Try and treat him like you would treat every other 8 year old boy. I promise that the times he lets you in- are well worth the effort. And not just because he's my little boy. His perspective is unique. His innocence is refreshing. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He wants to play. He wants to be heard. Many times it just takes a little more effort, on everyone's part..

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