Friday, January 9, 2015

Amazing Robbie and.... Astonishing Alexis

As I write all these blog posts about Amazing Robbie it makes me think about the movie Gone Girl. ( I don't want to give away the story to those who haven't seen the movie or read the book and to my husband- don't get nervous about where this post is going.) The parents of "Amazing Amy" the main character in the movie write a series of childrens books based on her. She was their only child and they obviously - really screwed her up.  I don't worry - as much- about screwing Robbie up as I do my other neurotypical children. Robbie is amazing. He has already over come tremendous odds. Today he pulled out a series of pictures he had cut out in school. He laid them out on the table. He told me a story about the pictures. The story was clear, concise and he demanded my full attention. I laughed reciting the event with Rob tonight. As a (part time) working mother of three, no one ever really gets my full attention. Robbie made sure to get full eye contact. I paused and he told me the story. The story itself has meaning as well. It was about a mother bird who had three baby birds. They hatched. She fed them "wormins" ( that's what worms are called on the backyardigans- so that has stuck.) Individually they flew out of the nest- each doing it differently. The last image is of the mother drinking lemonade- and "relaxing" as Robbie told me. Of course by the end of this 2 minute tale this momma was almost in tears. Never could I have imagined sitting with my oldest son and having this type of interaction. He also told me how much he loves school- especially getting these stories to bring home- and that his teacher has a giant boyfriend.- ( Miss Kim- if you read this- it was hysterical.) Amazing Robbie.
This brings to my other children - especially my little girl who often gets over looked. She is stuck between a special needs older brother and a toddler- who obviously needs more supervision than she does at this point. She is amazing as well. I think my expectations for her are higher however. I think I may get frustrated more easily with her. I fear that one day she will read all these posts that talk so much about my love for Robbie and feel- less than amazing.  One of my (many) resolutions for the new year is to ensure I tell her how special she is. How smart she is. How funny she is. How amazing she is- not only for being such a great sister to her brothers but because of who she is. How much joy she gives me every day and how much I love her. Astonishing Alexis........ I hope I don't screw you up!!xxoo

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