Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Tears and the Stimmmm

I have made a few unsuccessful attempts of getting video clips of Robbie while he is in "super stimm mode." The reason I am unsuccessful is the minute he notices that I have a camera in hand- he immediately poses and says "cheese." The next statement is " let me see the picture." Interesting that he can stop the stimming behavior so quickly but also can't seem to control it as well. The stimming has been out of control for the past week or so. Jumping, hand flapping, hand wringing, eyes twitching, repeating "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
all simultaneously.  Additionally we are once again engaged in episodes of The Backyardigans and scripting episode after episode, again and again. At home we have done a lot of deep breathing, "hands down", swinging and spinning in his indoor swing, swinging outside and swimming.
The swimming brings me to an incident at the lake. I watched as Robbie swam towards a group of older kids. They were splashing each other and swimming around in the water. Robbie sidled up to them and watched for a minute. Then, he began to splash the kids as well. Sure that is would end in disaster I asked Rob to keep a close eye on him as I had the baby crawling deeper, deeper and deeper into the water- not realizing he can not yet swim. ( He thinks he is a big kid like his siblings, but he is just hitting 1 years old.)  Rob decided to swim out to where Robbie was and after exchanging a few words came back over toward the beach.  I gave the thumbs up and got the same in return.  After talking to a few people at the beach Rob returned to explain that he had explained Robbie has Autism to the older kids and reminded Robbie he needed to introduce himself when he met new people. Rob had also thanked the parents of the kids for their response.  The kids were welcoming. Three young teens, 2 boys and a girl, were kind. They included Robbie as they splashed at each other. Robbie was engaged and played in a way I have rarely, if ever seen , especially in a group of strangers. I wanted to cry- happy tears - because this was such a huge step. Social interaction is an enormous hurdle for him.  We have tried social skills classes and play dates with classmates- some of which were mildly successful. To see him happy, engaged and playing with other kids.........................happy tears!!!!!!

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