Sunday, August 3, 2014

Amazing and so very scary

We are at a crossroad. It is so awesome and so scary at the same time. My 8 year old son wants to make friends. He wants social interaction. For a child like Robbie- this is HUGE! This is also very scary. Robbie is socially akward with most kids his own age. His speech can sound a bit robotic and then there is the stimming. At a party I did try to help Robbie engage with another special needs child. Robbie showed him the toys he had been playing with. The little boy didn't say anything and walked off. Robbie said "I guess he didn't want them" and moved on. Bravo Robbie, for making the connection that he did not want to play and not getting upset by it. A party guest, who had not seen Robbie in a long time mentioned how much he has grown and developed. He spoke of  the first time he met Robbie. Robbie was standing in front of a large fish tank staring. Not really at the fish, just staring and hard to engage. Now a few years later he will make eye contact and has the ability to engage in back and forth dialogue. It feels like it took forever and it feels like time flew by.

Later the same night we ran into another family with a special needs boy who Robbie used to play with. They were happy to see each other and Robbie gave him a big hug. They played on a swing set and ran around for a bit. It was awesome. Now both situations were with other special needs children, those who are "safe." We recently took a trip to the library. Robbie wanted to go. Movies are the first thing he goes for and books are second. He was his usually stimmy self. Jumping, flapping, hand wringing , saying "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." There were 2 other children around his age. They stared. They looked slightly horrified. I was sad to see that.  So happy that Robbie had asked to go to the library. Many times we opt to avoid social situations with Robbie. I know it is time to get out there more often. I know many times there will be stares and whispers. I also know you really don't know until you try. Robbie is ready. I am ready. So to all our friends and neighbors- get ready to hear "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

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