Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pity party for one

I love my son. Here is where it gets hard. Sometimes I  feel resentful. I feel sad. I feel angry. Never at him. Honestly- never at him. I may get really, really frustrated with him, but I never feel resentful towards him. Sometimes I feel resentful towards you. Those who have not dealt with autism and don't really understand it. Those who try to understand it- but just don't. Because , how could you? You don't know. We all worry about our children. I worry about all three. I worry the most, about Robbie.
My poor brother felt my wrath late last night. He asked how we handle certain situations and gave a suggestion regarding something else to try. I think I may have said- a little too harshly- yes we have tried that. The truth is- I can say with almost 100% accuracy- we've tried it- but I do welcome new ideas and suggestions. Unfortunately for him, I was in the middle of a pity party for one. A few weeks ago an acquaintance was explaining how he had a friend who has a child on the spectrum and this friend may have a good neurologist referral- or other good information. I honestly always welcome any advice, referrals, information- etc. When he sent me the information a few days later- I felt a combination of self righteousness and sadness. The referrals were doctors or places we've already used.  Once you hear the words- Autism spectrum disorder- or probably any disorder, as a parent you dive in head first. You read every book, article etc. You reach out to those who are dealing with it. You join 15 different online support groups- because really , who has time to go to one in person. You try diets. You try different doctors, different therapies.  Then you pause.  You cry. You reassess what has worked and what has not. You reengage and try it all over again. You get mad. You get mad at strangers who look at you with pity.  You get mad at friends and relatives who love you and try their best to give advice. The truth is- no one knows what to say or do. The truth is we all have our life stressors, issues, problems, baggage etc. The truth is everyone's "stuff" is just as important and difficult. So to all my friends and family- thank you for all your words of wisdom and hugs of support. Sometimes I need to pause, take a breathe and remember how lucky I am.  And to my brother, sister, my husband and all those close to me- thank you for listening. xo

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