Sunday, August 23, 2009

Meeting other Autistic children.

We went to the lake this weekend. It was great- quiet- very few people there because of the rain earlier in the day. One of 2 groups of people had a dog. Dogs are generally not allowed at the lake. The other group- a father and 3 young boys- were swimming in the water and telling the pre-high school boy and his father that dogs were not allowed. As we watched this discussion between the groups- one thing was very obvious -- to us. The boy had some type of special need. The father was calmly trying to explain that the dog was a "companion" dog and therefore allowed on the beach. The man - with the 3 young boys- was arguing, demanding proof and "calling the police." This upset the special needs boy. He began cursing and getting upset. His father- once again- was calmly showing him the rules posted at the lake. The dog was allowed because of the circumstance,with tags to prove it.
Now- i can't lie. I prayed this boy was not autistic. I hoped he had some other special need. But, I knew. I knew when I first looked at him and he had trouble with eye contact. I knew by his awkward movements. I just knew. This boy was autistic.
The father explained that they had moved to NJ from Los Angeles, CA because after much research- NJ- has the best schools/programs for Autistic children. He said his son has made a lot of progress and he's very happy with his development.
Once again- I can't lie- watching this boy made me sad. This is not what I hope or imagine for my son. I hope/want better than what I saw in this boy. My heart ached for him and his father because the situation at the lake was so stressful. I know all children on the Autistic spectrum are different. I want Robbie to be in the percentage of children that are cured. We- his Father and I - are doing everything in our power to make that happen. But what if it doesn't??????

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