Thursday, August 6, 2009

Frustrated - AGAIN!!

We discovered Robbie did not have an IEP for the Fall. What that means is- no special services. The diagnosis came at such a tough time during the school year and we were so anxious to get started - we didn't think that far in advance- and I think the school district was very happy with that. So many people have told me "you have to fight for everything" in regards to services for your child. I had not felt that way until today. The PhD- director of the child studies team wanted to come observe Robbie during an ABA session- because she doesn't think it's valuable- and we are pushing VERY hard for it. Robbie's session is now 8am-10am, monday- thursday. She came at 9:30am. The school district wants to cram pre-school, speech,ABA and OT into the 8:23- 10:53 time slot at the pre-school Robbie attends. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? When will Robbie get to socialize- which is so important. Now Robbie is getting 8 hours of ABA- (2 hours a day 4 days a week) and 3 hours of speech- ( 1 hour a day- 3 days a week). OT has not been put in place yet- but I assumed it would be similar to speech. Robbie has made such amazing progress in the very short time since his diagnosis. -ex- Last night- As we struggled tring to get Robbie settled down for the night and could not fiqure out why he wouldn't sleep. For the first time ever- Robbie told us why! "it hurts" pointing to his belly. He needed to go to the bathroom and could not. In my research on ASD and similar disorders- most children on the spectrum have issue with "leaky gut". They simply can't digest some foods the way other do and this causes multiple problems. (This is why the GF/CF diet is so crucial. ) While being up half the night definately sucks- my son has finally told me WHY!! I'm not sure I can articulate the joy that this brings me. If Robbie can communicate what is bothering him- then it is so much easier to help him fix it. Rob had a conversation with one of his friends at work last year- talking about how difficult our nights had become. Robbie was a fantastic baby. We had felt so lucky he was such a good sleeper- while so many of our family and friends had children that were not. Why - now- was sleep such an issue? Rob's friend said- "Maybe he has a headache and he can't tell you- or some other ailment." I hear that statement in my head so many times- especially when I'm exhausted and can't get Robbie to settle down. How awful would that be- to not be able to communicate with anyone- even those closest to you.
Back to the school issue- We can't let him slip- even a liitle bit. He needs the services we are getting and we will get them. The director of the special ed program said- ABA is so basic that we can just do it ourselves. Well guess what -we are and we do every day- but he still needs more. She doesn't see him as Robbie- she sees him as case # whatever. Once again I thank God -Rob (dad) is a special Ed teacher. He is confident we will get want we need for Robbie. And I trust that we will too!!

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