Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another Doctor's apt.

We had another doctor's appointment with a developmental pediatrician. We chose this doctor because we could not get a local appointment for 2 YEARS- yes I said 2 YEARS. (Once again- I heard that voice " Are you kidding me????" ) We booked the appointment in June and were seen by Children's Specialized Hospital in North Jersey in late august (much more reasonable). Rob and I agreed that we really felt good about this place and this doctor. She was much warmer than the doctors we've seen previously. She listened and gave us some great positive feedback that we have been dying to hear. The one thing that did stick out to me was her "diagnosis" at the beginning of the appointment "mild", "no reason why he won't go to college", "so much better than most I see" seemed different that the one at the end of the appointment. As the appointment progressed Robbie took his shoes off (for the 3rd time) and began a behavior we've become accustom to seeing- the concerned look on her face could not be ignored. "I am concerned with the cyclical behavior." we were told. It's hard for me to articulate these behaviors- Robbie will begin playing with markers and take all the caps off. Then he will put them somewhere- diaper bag, purse, drawer, under the couch- a few at a time for hours. He will draw with markers and only use 1 color (preferably green) and will initiate someone else to use another color on his paper- but will immediately cover it with the green he was using. I kick myself- because I used to think -I'm so lucky my son will sit with these craft projects for such a long time- while I make dinner or clean up. Recently it has been these behaviors that are cause for concern. He can't get out of the cycle he creates. If you force it- there is a major meltdown. At the end of the appointment we were told he falls somewhere in the middle.- "low middle"- but still- no more information than we have received previously.

We're anxiously awaiting what this school year will bring. Robbie will benefit from the structure and schedule- however we're still battling with the school district in regards to what services he gets, for what length of time and can we get any of them after his 8:23- 10:53 am hour preschool day. How will they fit speech therapy, applied behavior analysis and occupational therapy in a 2 and 1/2 hour day- 4 days a week? What about socialization? As we've been told and have learned- Autistic children do not learn by accident. They do not pick up the information and social cues other children do. They need to be taught everything. They need to be taught EVERTHING!!! They need to be TAUGHT EVERYTHING!!

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