Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We Miss Mommy

Well, my wife(the real author of this blog) is away for work this week. Honey, we really miss you!

I thought maybe I could post something because since school has started for both Robbie and myself things are getting frustrating. The ABA services my wife has talked about before have not started up again along with school. For some reason the school district wants to try and cram three different services into a 2 1/2 hour pre-school day. Now I have to say that they have worked realy well with us over the summer....the pre-school that is. But now that pre-school has started its like, oh well, we'll get to it when we get to it.

I think I went from the parent they used to like to talk to to the guy they will not answer the phone for. All I'm trying to get accross to them is that two Pediatric Neurologists and one Developmental Pediatrition that we saw at least had one thing in common..."whatever you are doing DON'T STOP because it's working." Everytime I tell the head of the child study team at my son's school this she absolutely changes the subject....It drives me crazy.....but I stay calm.....for now. Well, I'm gonna end here because it's obvious that my wife is a much better writer than I am so I'll spare you all the time.

I also wanted to add that a lot of you have sent very nice wishes, thoughts, and prayers our way. I would like to say thank you for that!

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