Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another Doctors appointment

Yesterday Robbie and I went to the neurologist. Partly for a check up to keep his records current- yes he is still Autistic- and partly to discuss potential ADHD and anxiety. I am not thrilled with the NP we saw but in their defense I guess there is no miracle cure, pill etc- or someone would have found it. While he is hyperactive his teacher stressed how well he has been doing this year and that while he is hyper he does sit and focus for the tasks he needs to complete. We discussed the same medications we had tried and taken him off and ended up deciding that behavior modification was the best step at this point. We may try something new in the fall or next year- who knows. While waiting Robbie and I were playing in their "playroom". Another boy came in to see what we were doing. He was about 10 or 11 years old and spoke only to me. He asked what we were making ( star wars potato head) and then showed me a few pieces he had found in the toy bin. He left a few minutes later, but he got me thinking. I have struggled with trying to get a glimpse of Robbie's future. I was not familar with Autism before his diagnosis and have very little to compare him to. And- as his new therapist says- Take most of what you know and expect from an autistic child and throw it out the window with Robbie. The biggest heartache for me has been the unknown. For my husband- (forgive me Rob) I think the biggest heartache has been and is what he sees every day. He works with special needs teenagers- many of them on the autism spectrum. Some highly functioning and others..... not so much. He sees his biggest fear every day. Wow- that has to be to tough. Back to the boy I saw in the neurologist office. Previously I could not see Robbie reaching the social and communication level of this child. Today I can. This boy as I mentioned- only spoke to me- not to Robbie his "peer." That is common for children on the spectrum. Speaking to adults is easier for them. The good part is he was articulate and able to communicate. As Robbie got on the bus this morning he said "hi Guys!" to his bus driver and the aid. That is a first. It made me smile. :)

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