Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Would I remove Autism from Robbie?

I have read other blogs, books, articles, etc where parents of Autistic children write they would not change the fact that their child has Autism because it could change their child. They would let the child choose whether or not they had Autism- because it is that child's choice. While I respect others opinions- I disagree whole heartedly. Would I remove Autism from Robbie? Hell yes. For Robbie- Autism takes away from him. There are times where we see his personality (he is really funny), but the times come and go. He gets stuck in his own head- scripting movie lines or lost in his own thiughts. He can't focus for extended time periods- which make learning and playing more difficult. He gets overwhelmed by situations- especially if the situation is new. Certain foods affect him in ways they do not affect his sister or others. For these reasons I would remove Autism from Robbie. It would only allow him to be more present. It would make things easier for him. Currently we are learning to manage the Autism- so it does not manage him. Watching his diet, getting excercise, using visual tools to aid with stimming behaviors and of course giving lots of praise and hugs. I am proud of the work Robbie is doing and the person he is becoming. I just wish life was a little easier for him- isn't that what all parents wish for their child?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simmone.....I'm so glad to see that you are writing again. I really love to read your posts. I feel like I am learning a whole new language and gaining new insight on Autism. You and Rob are remarkable in the way you live with Autism. Your honesty and candid conversations take the mystery out of Autism and make it real. Robbie (and Lexi) are adorable and you are Rob are awesome parents. Thanks for sharing your story....and congratulations on number 3!! How exciting!

    -Debbie Shumaker
