Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Quirks are defined as "A peculiarity of behavior." These peculiarities are becoming more noticeable with Robbie. For example, Robbie will not step on the grout on the tile floor in the kitchen. Remember as a kid, not wanting to step on a crack in the sidewalk? "Step on a crack, break your mother's back." When I first noticed it, that is the phrase I thought of and didn't pay much attention. As I got to thinking, Robbie has a lot of quirky behaviors. After going pee pee on the potty, he will take 2-3 squares of toilet paper, one at a time, ensuring that the last one has been riped completely. Then he will flush, watch the TP go down, close the lid- with a big bang and turn off the light. If you interrupt this sequence of events, he becomes agitated. Then there is the running back and forth saying "eeeeeeee." The constant streaming of movie lines- jumping from one movie scene to the next.

Some days these quirks don't bother me at all. Other days they drive me insane. I think a large reason is on the days when his quirks are the worst, he is out of sorts as well. He is "spacey" and more difficult to engage. I can ask him a question or ask him to complete a task and he will act as if I never said a word. Frustrating.

These are also the behaviors that make it difficult for him to ride a bike. He can't seem to focus and if his eye catches sight of something interesting to his left- that's where the bike ends up- a ditch, puddle or bush.
I know these will be the things we're really going to ave to work hard at as he gets older. Not only so he isn't the weird kid, but so he can function and complete a task. Some days are so good and others- no so good. But we keep working- keep him working. He is an incredibly loving boy and who knows what potential is untapped!!

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