Monday, February 21, 2011

No control

Have you ever felt like you have no control? Over your life? Over your children? The past few weeks have felt that way. Robbie has not been sleeping consistently. Many nights he falls asleep but wakes up anywhere between midnight and 2am. From that point he is awake. Not only awake but disruptive to the rest of the household. He will run back and forth in the hallway. He will jump on our bed. He will talk very loudly- reciting movie lines. If you ask him to quiet down he will scream. I am tired. Rob is tired. Lexi is tired.
He has also developed a new "tick." He rolls his head back and forth. While sitting in a doctors waiting room, while riding in the grocery cart, while sitting on the couch at home. Additionally he has been jumping up and down, flapping and saying "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" more than usual. We did recently discover Robbie has food allergies. He is allergic to milk, eggs, egg whites, soy, pineapple, peanuts and dogs. We have removed these items from his diet. So- these behaviors should get better- right? I feel myself getting frustrated and honestly pissed off. We are all working so hard. We'll see a ounce of improvement and then a pound of regression. I know he can't help these behaviors, but some days I just want him to stop.
We are trying to add more ABA therapy to his schedule. Hopefully covered by insurance. I would like to add more OT as well. There are only so many hours in the day. I'm not sure what else to do. Anyone?? Anyone??

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