Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A new (school) year!!

Today was orientation day for Robbie and us (his parents.) Robbie held my hand while we entered the building. He is generally pretty independent but stayed close while we waited to go into his new classroom. Springville is much bigger than his previous school and probably a little intimidating. Daddy met us in the lobby (it was his first day back and we were lucky he was able to join us) and we proceeded to Robbie's new classroom. 3 other children and their parents entered along with the teacher and aid after aid. 5 aids, 1 teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, case manager and nurse were introduced today. I felt nervous and giddy at the same time. Robbie will (hopefully) finally get what he needs. 4 children and 6 adults ( more children may be added as the year progresses) what a fantastic ratio. 2 other boys, both verbal and 1 girl who is non verbal. These children had been students the year before and their parents were very pleased with their progress. Robbie was ushered down to the OT room with the other children and all 5 aids as his teacher gave us a basic run down of the day. 1 and 1/2 hours of ABA in the morning and afternoon, speech and OT, library, gym, and music- woven into free spots and lots of interactive instruction. I can barely contain my excitement while I type!!
I am prepared for a few rough mornings. The bus is coming tomorrow to pick him up and I'm sure it will be difficult. But I can not help but pray for the best. A good year. Some real tangible improvement. A bit less stress and a lot more hope. That's not too much to ask for, is it??

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