Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Struggle continues

I thought my "baby proofing" days were over. A few weeks ago Robbie climbed onto a desk - where our computer sits- in the playroom- and took the cord from the blind. He put it around his neck- 2 times. Rob and I were in the family room- right next door- Lexi dropped a puzzle- making a loud noise. Rob went in to check on them. He was scared when he saw Robbie- Robbie was startled- and jumped from the desk. Thankfully - Rob caught him and removed the string from his neck. It left a red mark but thankfully again- nothing that needed medical attention.
This was an incredibly frightening experience. Our outlets are covered, knives are put in high cabinets- but I would never have thought to watch for a blind that takes skill to climb to. Just to be clear- no worries of suicide. Robbie has been wrapping his arms, legs and mid section with string, color forms and anything he finds. It is a sensory processing issue. Now I am cutting strings out of shorts- and cutting tags off of shirts because those bother him as well. He can't be unattended.
The good is- school seems to be going well and all the extra ABA he received over the summer has helped as well. I took Robbie to Stride Rite for shoes- which has always been a nightmare. He picked out shoes - let them measure his foot- and wore his new shoes out of the store. ( He did pick the same shoes he was wearing in the bigger size- but we got out without a meltdown.) He is talking more- and we have been taught some skills to get him talking and to calm him down.
The bad is- stimming, stimming, stimming. The school OT has told us Robbie has low muscle tone in his hands and core. This may cause some of the stimming- flapping- akward movements. They are working on building those muscle groups. I have not considered medication, but I am willing to hear what our Neurologist has to say. It's like he is uncomfortable in his own skin. Pull-ups bother him- but he won't wear underwear or be naked to potty train. Heat bothers him- he won't go outside for recess if it's too hot. Possibly bright sunlight bothers him too- but he hasn't expressed that. He has told me his stomach hurts- more often than not lately. His diet has been relatively the same- so we're trying to figure out what to remove.
Lastly- I have met a lot of new people in the last 2 months due to a new job. When I mention I have an autistic son the response is often- is he mild or aspergers? The answer is no. Robbie is Autistic- moderate- according to his neurologist. The hot new diagnosis is being on the spectrum- for kids that nothing else seems to fit. Robbie is not just on the spectrum- he's in the middle. I am becoming more familiar with what that really means every day. Lexi is so far beyond her brother verbally at 2 years old. I didn't understand what the doctors meant by lack of imaginary play for Robbie until Lexi. I didn't understand what his challenges were until Lexi. So once again- 1 step forward- 2 steps back. And Hope :)

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