Tuesday, March 30, 2010

SLOW progress

Robbie's had a few very busy weeks. He turned 4 years old, had a party, went to a party and had a school field trip. Robbie LOVES his birthday- or really birthday's in general. He had a blast opening presents with Mom, Dad and Lexi and waiting for his cake. He also had a blast at a friends birthday party. It was held at the Funplex- which I refer to as chuck e cheese on crack. He played in the foam frenzy room, rode bumper cars, ate cake and wanted to explore some of the other activities. I saw a parent from the daycare we used to go to. I mentioned Robbie was autistic. She had no idea.

The school field trip was a little more challenging. Garden State discovery museum was packed with multiple field trips. We did our best to get through the day- but honestly it was tough for a lot of the children. I did get to have a conversation with Robbie's preschool teacher. I explained that we feel next year Robbie should be in a full day program. She voiced a few concerns about her school and suggested I look into additional programs. So the search begins!

As the title of this entry states progress has been slow. He makes small gains and then regresses. It's very frustrating- especially as I watch his sister pick up words and phrases at lightning speed. Her vocabulary will out number his within the next few weeks. Simple things like throwing garbage in the trash can instead of the recycle bin. Lexi gets it but every day I have to remind Robbie which is which. The heart breaking part is I see him trying really hard. We play matching games on the computer and I make him name the objects. When he doesn't know the answer he looks at me- waiting for me to tell him. It's the same expression of emotion I remember from my school days. When the teacher called on me and I didn't know the answer or was not prepared. I'd look at them pleading for the answer.

So we continue on- searching for the "right" program. Trying to get more services. Teaching him basics at every opportunity. Hoping he will "outgrow" his diagnosis. Hugging him tight every chance we get :)

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