Friday, December 4, 2009

Holiday Stress

Often parents in the autism community joke that we have become more religious during the holiday season: we pray our children will behave while we are visiting relatives, we pray they will show interest in their gifts (and not just the ribbon), we pray they will sit at the dinner table, we pray they won't hit the relative who tries to kiss them, and above all, we pray that we will have the strength to politely ignore the judgments passed upon us and our 'misbehaving' children.

This is a quote I pulled off of the Autism Speaks newsletter because it is so accurate. Will the holidays be too overwhelming or hopefully pleasantly relaxing. I also relate to this quote because it makes me think about those who have an Autistic or special needs children. How can you tell if someone has a special needs child? Look into their eyes and see the tears that well up as they speak about their child. Look at the bags under their eyes and additional stress signs across their face. I have been thinking about this quite a lot lately as I think about those I know with Autistic children. The surgeon I used to call on for work- who always looked exhausted, distracted and distant. The Nurse at one of my accounts who frequently has tears so close to falling down her face. The mother in my neighborhood who can't have a conversation because she is literally chasing her son to keep him safe. My husband who has been is a pillar of strength but struggles to keep the tears back as well. And myself as I look in the mirror at the dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep and worry. While we look forward to the holidays my thoughts and prayers are for us all. We simply want what every parent wants. A child who is excited and awed by Santa Claus and Christmas. Who gets everything he wants- even when he can not yet ask us. Who can survive without major meltdowns and sleepless nights. Is that too much to ask??

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