Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I am getting so excited for Christmas!! I continue to melt as I watch the dynamics between Robbie and Lexi. We were driving to Walmart to do a little Christmas shopping and Robbie got out of his booster seat (bad)- but the reason was he wanted to sit right next to his sister. On the ride home I moved his booster to the middle position in the car so he could be close to Lexi. (it's a short trip) They both had lollipop's- Lexi dropped hers and started crying- screaming is probably more accurate. Robbie gave his lollipop to her- which obviously made her very happy!!

We do have our ups and downs. The ABA therapist that is working with Robbie told us he is having a hard time with his colors. This surprised us because over the summer he seemed to know most of them- or at least be able to match colors. Robbie and I played Candy land on the computer this morning- which is a color game. He did great! He knew almost all of them- and faded towards the end of the game because he was tired. For Robbie- that is key. When he is tired it is hard for him to concentrate and focus. More so than the average person. He had a great week in school this week- we were told. I think the key may be he got plenty of rest and slept through the nights.

All in all I feel optimistic and can't wait to see my 2 favorite little faces on Christmas morning!!

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