Monday, October 17, 2022

Absolutely nothing to do with Autism...........I love what I do ๐Ÿ’— Hospice

 This post has absolutely nothing to do with Autism..... Or does it?   The intention of this post was to discuss what I do for a living and describe why I love it so much. As I thought about it - everything clearly comes back to autism in some form or another - at least for me.  I work for Bayada Home Health care-a company who has home health care, hospice, live in care, private duty home health aids, pediatric nursing, habilitation - you name it. When I started working for Bayada I was hired as a marketing manager for home health care. After years in pharmaceutical sales and a short time working for a hospice company.  While I loved home health care  the habilitation service line really interested me- as it deals with special needs children- many who have autism. I asked a lot of questions and inquired as to how I could work in that division. Unfortunately that division was not anywhere local to my home.  And the more I thought about it , the more I decided it might be too taxing on me to work in a field that is so incredibly close to my heart. I'd never be able to get away from it. My mind would always stray back to Robbie - his life and his needs. These things are already on my mind every single day.  What will his future behold? Who will care for him when he grows old and I am long gone.

Fast forward to Covid..... I was furloughed for a few months.  A new position opened in hospice. Since I'd had some experience in that arena it seemed to be an easy transition. I loved the new role and all the wonderful people I had the pleasure of working with.  I did not know at that the time - this field would fill my heart in a completely new way. 

After a year I transitioned into a care integration position. I am able to help families navigate the different service lines and benefits available to them.  Specifically-  home health care to hospice care.  Many will say- how can you work in that field?  Hospice must be so sad. My response has been steadfast- I am blessed to be able to explain the amazing benefit of hospice to patients and families that need it. Let's face it- we are all dying at some point. It is the circle of life.  We pay into Medicare for so many years and very few take advantage of this benefit of hospice. Nursing care - available whenever you need it, home health aids to bath or change undergarments for a family member or loved one -and provide dignity.  The cost of supplies live adult diapers, wipes, gloves, creams - and durable medical equipment. Medications and the ability to ease anxiety and pain. A social worker and spiritual counselor to provide grief support and help explain the dying process- all with in your home.  Yes- I'm on my soapbox.  These things are gifts. The people in these roles are truly angels. My heart is full every single day as I speak to families and ease their fears of the dreaded H word. I help families get services they need- and many times never knew existed.  I am the lucky one.  Never have I been so fulfilled in a career.  As my own parents are aging , my oldest son- with autism's future is uncertain, and I work towards balance through an unpleasant divorce -I am lucky to love what I do- and know that what I do matters.  I am so grateful for that as I walk the path ahead of me.

                     We love what we do-๐Ÿ’— its our tag line- but  it's true!

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