Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Importance of Friends

High school is a completely new world- especially coming from a very small middle school. The initial decision was for Robbie to go to the high school where his Dad was a teacher- not the local high school- where his friends would be going..  They have a fantastic Autism program. He would go with his Dad - as there wouldn't be transportation.  The hope was- he would flourish- be happy and make new friends. The reality was- he said he hated it- every single day. He missed his friends. It was too big and unfamiliar.  His teacher was amazing- I know her personally - but he would say how he hated everything about that school. I won't get specific - because the comments were ugly and out of frustration and missing all things that made him comfortable.  He wanted to go to the blue school- not the red one. The one where the people he knew were going.  The fact that  his parents are going through a divorce and living separately does not help matters either.   So-......after months of him verbalizing his frustration- and a few other events in between- the transfer took place.

The bus picks him up in the morning- with 2 of his friends. He is in the blue school - as he requested. He no longer complains. He goes to school - happily.  He comes home content. He gets himself up and ready in the morning- without me having to plead or monitor whether his shoes are on. He's ready, he's happy, he is where he needs to be.  The importance of relationships- for most people is so obvious. How it was over looked for Robbie- really sticks with me. He doesn't need a lot of social time. He has his friends over twice a year.  The annual birthday party and more recently around Halloween.  They come to the house, eat pizza, watch a few minutes of a movie, have cake and go home.  That's all he wants and that's all he needs- but he does need it. To be connected to people. To have friends.

The best comment I've gotten so far is the following- as it makes my heart happy and is an appropriate statement for a 16 year old- " Mom- I love the blue school, my heart feels better-  but I hate all the work."

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