Friday, April 10, 2020

Holy Shit

So the title of this blog pretty much sums things up right now, for so many reasons. Covid-19, social distancing, and self quarantine..... these are all crazy terms for all of us- and now lets think about it from the perspective of someone on the Autism Spectrum.  The loss of routine, the loss of seeing peers, the loss of sanity - at least a  bit in our house. For full transparency- this has hit hard. Robbie- who loves his alone time, in his room, with his movies- has really been missing the social interaction he gets at school. I've always wondered about Robbie and social interaction. He doesn't seem to have " friendships" in the way Lexi or Timmy do- yet he loves seeing his friends and having some interactions- which are usually brief. Yet movies remain a huge staple in our house- for all.

Over the last 2 weeks, Timmy had  lessons about weather- Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunder storms , etc. Wednesday night we decided to watch a movie - about weather. We choose the movie Twister.  (Robbie also loves weather- watching the clouds, rain and the sun in the sky.)  The movie Twister is rated pg-13 but after reading the reviews I decided it would be alright to watch as a family. The movie is great- if anyone hasn't seen it, but there is a bit of language. The type of language you'd expect from people who are risking their lives in dangerous situations. Timmy fell asleep immediately- but the rest of us watched the movie in its entirety.  Fast forward a day- we had one heck of a storm. Crazy rain that seemed to come out of no where. As I ran up the steps to close the bedroom windows to avoid the rain getting in,  Robbie ran behind me. "Holy shit, gotta close my window!"  Lexi came out of her room at that exact moment and we both burst out in laughter. " Can you believe what Robbie just said mom- he probably got it from the movie last night" she said. Later I described the scenario to Rob and of course- Timmy over hearing- asked what Robbie had said that was so funny. I made something up- as it wouldn't have the same amount of humor if our 6 year old was yelling "holy shit."  Yet for our 14 year old - on the autism spectrum , to use the term appropriately and to give the rest of us some much needed laughter- was awesome. Because right now- Holy shit- pretty much sums things up!

Stay safe everyone! To Robbie's buddies- I hope to get some FaceTime or Zoom  calls in soon- he misses you!!