Monday, September 1, 2014

The good, the bad and the.........OH NO, he didn't..........

Let's just dive into.... OH NO, he didn't. We are at a really good friends pool. A place we have gone many, many times. There are many kids in and out of the pool as neighbors stop by. The age range is Timmy at 1 to Robbie at age 8, with many 3, 4 and 5 year olds sprinkled in between. Suddenly we hear- "everyone out of the pool."  Most of the kids responded quickly, with Robbie lagging behind. "There is poop in the pool."  My first thought is, it must be one of the little kids.  Rob's first question is " Robbie, did you poop in the pool?"  "Yes I did, ( jump, flap) EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." (jump, flap.) Smiling the whole time.  Besides feeling embarrassed and mildly horrified, I felt sad. My 8 year old was the one who pooped in the pool and had a different reaction to it than I would have expected.  I think he was embarrassed, really embarrassed. However he did not know how to express this emotion. He continued to smile, a very awkward smile. Rob brought him into the house to clean up as best he could. ( Of course the only items that did not make it into our bag were Robbie's spare clothes- things I never travel without, out of habit.)  Shortly after we gathered up our things and I explained to Robbie that it was time to go. Lexi of course threw a fit, asking why and whining that we didn't stay long enough. Robbie kept trying to get my attention by putting his face directly in front of mine and smiling this awkward smile, saying, "yes, lets go home." He was looking for a similar response from me, to reassure him all was alright in the world. Later that evening he threw up in the bathroom. He obviously did not feel well and I assume got distracted by his happy place- water.  I realized he was embarrassed and didn't really know how to react. That being said, I guess the response was "normal."  How do you react when embarrassed?
Some of the other things that have been going on are as expected. Home instructional ABA, while effective at getting Robbie to do a task, still has set backs. Recently he was asked what his sister's name is. He could not answer. She had been out of the house at a cousins for the night- that may have affected his lack of recall, but honestly we see regression every summer vacation, every winter and spring break.  Additionally we had a horrible trip to the dentist. Screaming, crying, almost to the point of vomiting. The decision that was made is for a " check up" annually and then hospital operating room visits every 5 years, or if there are problems, for dental care.  While leaving the dentist Robbie did say "Thank you!" with way too much volume and enthusiasm.
The good is some of the new ABA therapy seems very specific to Robbie. For example he will be asked to identify a letter from our ABC board. Write the letter. A few letters will create a word.  Read the word. Do the action. For instance JUMP. Perfect and engaging for the sensory seeking, hard to focus side of our beautiful little boy. We also have had a lot of swim time. Pool and beach. Some pump it up jump time and backyard swing time. All the input he needs.
 As school approaches I will say a little prayer for quick catch up, lots of learning and possibly making a real friend or two. You just never know where our son will land. We just do our best to enjoy the ride through childhood!!

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