Monday, November 25, 2013

The Benefits of Autism

I hope those who know me- know the title- "The benefits of Autism" is tongue in cheek-and meant to be taken lightly.  Last night Rob and I were talking about the weekend and referred to it as a triple win.
1) Robbie got a haircut with minimal resistance! Everything takes time for Robbie. This has been an on going battle for us. Dad is still the only one who can cut his hair(-usually with a moderate amount of screaming, crying, running away, etc.)  The only  exception being a special needs hair dresser that goes into Robbie's classroom, occasionally. (Nice job Dad!!)

2) Robbie wore a long sleeve t-shirt  (again- nice job Dad!!) and a short sleeve t-shirt that was not white!! This has also been a battle. I can count on one hand the amount of times he has worn long sleeves this season so far.  Today not being one of them. Clothes in general are a difficult subject with Robbie- like many other kids. He will not wear jeans or any pants with snaps or buttons at the waist. This could be a sensory issue or could have began with stomach problems he has always had. He wears t-shirts, period.  Preferably white t-shirts- Nothing with a collar, or generally speaking, sleeves. It is actually something we are beginning to work on at home with his home based ABA therapist.

3) Robbie went to Chuck E Cheese and was fantastic! I assume most parents, like myself dread places like Chuck E Cheese, The FunPlex. etc. These places are especially difficult when you have a child on the spectrum. They are loud, bright, crowded- all things that many of these kids struggle with. Robbie was fantastic. He was well behaved. The anxiety that he struggles with made him stick close to me. He listened and followed directions. When it was time to go home- there was no debate or worse- meltdown. He had a great time - and I had a great time watching the smile on the face.

A little later at home Robbie took his shoes off and immediately put them in the closet (where we keep shoes.) If this were Lexi, I would ask multiple times for her to put the shoes away. Robbie knows everything has a place, and follows suit. This small task made me smile and comment- "a benefit of Autism." Even more than that is the joy over the "small" victories.  With any special needs child- the victories are even more special. Not to take away from our kindergartener who finally made it through a full week of school without tears. This was a great accomplishment for my very sensitive and emotional little girl ( who loves school by the way.) Or our 4 month old who slept 7 hours straight last night! Yeah Timmy!! But there is something so rewarding in watching your son who has struggled, and continues to, with some of the simplest tasks, overcome. Even if it is only for the weekend :)

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