Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Honestly, I am conflicted. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate- that is the question. OR to wait and stagger the shots. Robbie had over 25 vaccinations by the time he was 18 months, I feel that is excessive. With Lexi, beginning at 9 months, the vaccinations have been staggered. ( Just at the time Robbie was diagnosed.) She is just about up to date- with 2 additional 5 year old boosters she will need to get. It's funny that the pediatrician tries to scare you into getting all the shots at once by saying your child will not be allowed in school. This is NOT true. In the state of NJ there is a law regarding religious freedoms. Vaccinations fall under that category. If you give the school a letter stating this- your child does not have to be vaccinated. That being said- we did receive a note yesterday discussing a chicken pox outbreak in Lexi's class. The note said your child must have the varicella immunization. Interestingly enough, the child who came down with the chicken pox was vaccinated. I mentioned this to our pediatrician this week and was told children could still get the disease but it would be a milder version. I had the chicken pox growing up. It was something you wanted to get at a young age- so you didn't have to worry about it later in life. I am not saying I want my children to get the disease but they have been vaccinated and may get it anyway. Seems crazy. Same goes with the flu shot. Those just make me nervous. My parents get them every year and then many times get the flu. Possibly a different strain I am told- but still sick. The bigger question is- is there a link between vaccinations and Autism? There have been studies discussing the MMR vaccination and the Hepatitis B vaccination in particular. A newer theory has also possibly linked flu shots to Alzheimer's disease. Do I think there is a link? Yes I do. Don't misunderstand. I do not think vaccinations cause Autism, however I do think they play a role in how it presents. Just as I think food allergies have many of the same "symptoms" as Autism. Think about when we were growing up. We did not receive half of the shots children get now. In 1974 the CDC recommended 12 vaccinations by age 6. In 2013 it is up to 35 by the same age.If you never get sick how do you build immunities on your own? For younger children the theory is they either get sick from daycare- if they attend or get sick when they come to school for the first time. I am staggering vaccinations with Timmy- although I am not sure where to start. I have declined anything until he is 6 months old and will continue to decline the hepatitis B. I do believe in getting vaccinated for the "big name" diseases, but I don't think he needs to receive 6 vaccinations at his 2 month appointment. I am mentally prepared for the arguments I will get into every time I take him to the doctor, but I will admit it is draining to have to explain myself every single time. Now I know this is a hot topic. For my friends, who have made different choices regarding vaccinations, In no way am I saying you are wrong. This is the right choice for our family. Everyone has a right to their opinion. This is just me voicing mine.

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