Friday, June 11, 2010


Autism, ADHD, PPD-NOS, Asbergers syndrome- what???? There are so may labels these days and I'm not sure if they're good or bad. My fear is the misinformation. Will they outgrown it? NO - is it hereditary? NO research indicates so? Birth defect? - Research says no- but I'm not 100% convinced. They're weird? maybe.probably. They'll be fine.- - my response- define fine - as you would for your child.
I find myself brought to tears at the discussion of all these labels and how some children "must be this or that." Yes- they probably are- as well many others who fall somewhere in the middle. But really once again all I can think about is MY son. Where will he fall? will people be talking about him as he gets older? will he be the bad kid, the violent kid, the kid who has no friends.
I see Robbie playing around other kids- smiling, happy- but not engaging. I've seen other children put sand on his head or squirt water in his face- while their parents watch and do nothing and I want to scream. My son is enamoured by the water itself and doesn't even flinch. I find myself stepping in and telling kids not to do that to him. I am his voice because many times he can't find his. I guess right now that is what I want for my little boy. Find your voice Robbie! We ( Mommy, Daddy, Lexi) hear it sometimes- but no one else does. Find your voice and tell us what we can do to help you. The hardest part is hearing your 4 year old moan and whine because something is wrong- headache, tired, cramp, frustrated, hungry, etc.- but he can not tell you what it is. To the rest of the world he looks different, weird, etc. I am tired of explaining to others- " My son is autistic and this situation ( whatever it my be) is really difficult for him."

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