Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Bond Between Brother and Sister

I know most of my blogs have been pretty depressing. Here is a wonderful positive. The bond between siblings. Watching Robbie and Lexi interact has been and continues to be such a joy. She adores him- if that is a strong enough word- and he likes her as well. In the morning "Robbie- where's Robbie?, Robbie watch TV?, Robbie sleeping?" flow out of her mouth as I get her out of her crib. The minute Lexi sees Robbie- "Hi Robbie, Hi Robbie, Hi Robbie" will continue until he acknowledges her. It has become a good teaching tool for him. She will not stop until he says "hi Lexi". While I do have to remind him to say it- I'm confident it will come eventually because his sister is relentless. If he is sitting on the couch- she is right next to him. If comes to get a snack- she is right in front of him- usually pushing him out the way. If Robbie is napping on the couch Lexi will say " Sssssh, Robbie sleeping" and actually be quiet. Once in a while I do catch a glimpse of affection from him as well. Yesterday he turned a head lock into a hug-(progress) after she took what ever he was playing with. He does like it when she sits next to him or watches movies with him. He will laugh when she's chasing him and family dance party is hysterical. The two of them love to groove to the music. I'm glad they will always have each other because no one loves you, bugs you, and takes care of you like your siblings!!

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