Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My heart smiles

I felt myself tear up. As I was sitting in a neurology office- waiting for a signature for the samples I was leaving for work. I watched a man sitting quietly with an aide. He was older. His hair was grey and missing in the middle. His companion was a home health aide, or nurse from the facility where he lived- I assumed. She had scrubs on and was filling out medical information for him. She let the staff know that he couldn't answer most of the questions that were asked of him. He whispered when anyone spoke to him- after all we were in a doctors office.  I smiled at him. He looked at me for a moment and then went back to glancing through a magazine. She was kind to him. That made me happy.
This morning I was explaining just how funny Robbie is. His sense of humor is phenomenal! He surprised me the other day as I was exiting the bathroom by jumping out of my closet to yell "boo" and then exploded into laughter. He's been watching a new movie- over and over again- as he tends to do- and talking about the movie with us and his siblings. Transferring the "butt" humor to his siblings as well- because butts, farts and boogers are hysterical- to all 3 of them, and sometimes me as well. His smile is contagious and one of the most beautiful things in the world as it is pure and genuine. I am truly enjoying being around him. He dances with us after dinner when we have family dance time. He is helpful, especially with his little brother. He acknowledges other kids by telling them what a great job they did jumping into the ocean. He wants to be with people. He went with the flow on our long vacation- where some parts were totally new to all of us. He is a joy to be around. I do credit Abilify for a large part of that, as the winter months before this medication were almost unbearable. He was agitated and aggressive. Very much out of character for our sweet boy. The boy who will most likely hug you at a first meeting. Now we know- he needs this medication. We know how to plan for situations. We know when to push him and when he needs a break. He is happy. At least for now, and that makes my heart smile.

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