Monday, October 21, 2013

The Little Boy Who Lost His Words

This is a children's story I wrote about 2 years ago. I am hoping to get it published one day. It is about the bond between a sister and a brother with special needs. Lexi doesn't realize it yet (she's only 5) but she is Robbie's biggest advocate and will continue to be as they grow up. She is the one who grabs his hand and leads him where he needs to go. She is also his voice, which can be bad as well as good. She knows her brother has Autism- but really, who cares? He's just Robbie, her brother.

                             The Adventures of Robbie and Lexi

                                  The Little boy who lost his words

Robbie was a boy who liked to talk. He would talk to his Mother, his father and little sister. He would even talk to his blanket, when no one else was around to listen. One day Robbie woke up from his nap feeling a little bit thirsty. “I would like some apple juice” he thought to himself. “I’ll go ask Mommy for some.” He came downstairs and saw Mommy in the kitchen making breakfast for his little sister, Lexi. “I want some Apple Juice please.” He tried to say. Nothing came out. He tried again. Nothing. He tried until his face got red and he got very tired. Mommy held him tight and asked what was wrong? He could not answer. He had lost his words. His sister asked “Robbie what’s wrong?” “I’ve lost my words” he tried to reply but nothing came out of his mouth. That night when Mommy tucked him into bed he could not sleep. Quietly he got out of bed. He grabbed the flashlight he always kept by his bed. At the end of the hall he saw a glimmer of light coming from the attic. “That’s strange.” he thought to himself. He got the tallest chair he could find and stood on his tippy toes to peer in the attic door. He’d never noticed it before, but there was another door. It looked old. He tried to open it, but it was locked. He peeked through the key hole and saw letters everywhere. They were on the walls and on the floor. Some were whole; others looked as if they’d been bitten in half. Then he heard loud snoring. It was a dragon the size of 100 Daddy’s. He had a bunch of letters in his arms. Robbie knew this dragon was the one who had stolen his words. He climbed out of the attic and went back to bed to think. When he woke up, he knew what had to do. Robbie had to find the key and unlock the door to the dragon’s den. Then he could get back the words that had been stolen from him. He began to look. He checked under his bed, he looked in his closet and in his drawers. No key! Just as he had finished looking, Mommy came into say good morning. “Robbie, what have you done to your room?” Mommy exclaimed. She did not look happy. “I have to find the key to the dragon’s den to get back my words” Robbie tried to say- but nothing would come out. “Do not come downstairs until your room is clean” Mommy said. Feeling frustrated Robbie cleaned his room and then went downstairs for breakfast. Mommy had made oatmeal for breakfast. Robbie didn’t feel like oatmeal. He wanted cinnamon raisin toast with butter. He tried to tell his Mommy. Again- no words would come out. He pushed the bowl of oatmeal away. It landed on the floor with a loud bang. Before Mommy could say a word Robbie ran upstairs to his room in tears. “I have to find that Key” he thought to himself. Just as he sat on his bed there was a soft knock on the door. It was his little sister. She came in, looked at him and said “where are your words? Did you lose them?” Robbie nodded. “Finally someone understands.” He thought . “I’ll help you find them.” Said his sister. Robbie nodded and they began to form a plan. That night after Mommy and Daddy had gone to sleep, Lexi quietly crept into Robbie’s room. She was wearing her favorite pink princess nightgown. It had always brought her luck. She had also brought her magic wand. This wand held magical powers and could help them fight the dragon to get back Robbie’s words. Robbie was waiting by his toy box. He also had a secret weapon-his blanket. This blanket had always kept him safe and he knew it would protect them. Robbie and Lexi began the journey into the Attic. They were scared but put on the bravest faces they had. When they came to the large door, Lexi said “I’ve got this” and pointed her wand at the rusty lock. Instantly it clicked and the door was opened. Robbie motioned for Lexi to stay behind him. First because he was bigger and second because he had his blanket in front of him. As they approached the dragon his eyes opened wide. He stood up and looked down at them, smoke coming out of nostrils. The dragon’s mouth opened. He had letters hanging from his teeth. Robbie held his blanket in front of himself and his sister. Fire roared out of the dragon’s mouth but the blanket ensured no one felt a single flame. Lexi pointed her wand at the dragon and exclaimed “Give my brother his words back, mean dragon.” Instantly all the words rose into a large pile and fell right on Robbie. At the same time the dragon began shrinking. Without the stolen words he had no power. He shrank to the size of a lizard. Robbie looked at Lexi and spoke- “Thanks Lex! Now let’s take this lizard out to the trash.” Robbie and Lexi, with the lizard in hand, left the attic and went downstairs. Quietly they opened the front door and set the lizard down on the ground. “Lizard, I hope you’ve learned your lesson. It’s not nice to take things that don’t belong to you.” Robbie said. With that they closed the door. Feeling very tired, Robbie and Lexi climbed back up the stairs and went back to their own beds. They both slept until late into the morning. The next morning Robbie and Lexi woke up feeling happy with their accomplishment. They went downstairs to see Mommy and Daddy. “Good morning Mommy, Good Morning Daddy.” Robbie said. ““Robbie, it sounds like you found your words!” said Mommy. “Look what I found this morning while I was taking out the trash” Daddy said while sitting at the table. He had a small box in front of him. “What? “both kids replied. “ A lizard. Why don’t we keep it for a pet?” Robbie and Lexi looked at each other and smiled. “No thanks” they said. “We’d rather get a dog.”

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