Wednesday, September 19, 2012

13.1 for Autism Speaks- AWESOME

13.1 miles. That is what I ran this weekend- along with my sister and two of my closest friends. In a word- it was AWESOME. Autism speaks shirts were every where. Any time I got tired- I looked up and saw the face of another parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or friend of someone like Robbie. Special- with unique challenges. That kept me going! The amount of Autism speaks shirts also is a bit scary. 1 in 54 are diagnosed. That's a lot of children. I shutter to think of what the world will look like in the next 25 years if the rate of autism increases as it has. But- back to awesome-- it's nice to see the love and support of everyone who participated, cheered and sent their kind words. I hope to do again--- soon!!

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