Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some Good News!!!!

I know a lot of these posting have been doom and gloom. Here is some good news. In the state of NJ a bill had been passed stating that insurance will cover up to $25,000 annually for autism related services. It has taken months to actually go into effect-and many phone calls- but now we are able to take advantage of this. We had a company called interactive kids come to the house to access Robbie so that we can get additional Applied Behavior Analysis therapy. With the summer approaching we want to make sure we maximize every minute. They are going to focus more on play and interacting with other kids. We are also going to add more occupational therapy. 80% of that will now be covered. ( $100 an hour- so thank you lord~~)We're still seeing a lot of stiming. Jumping, running back and forth, head shaking, saying eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am really excited for more hours. I find that the busier Robbie is- the better his behavior is. This is probably pretty typical of all kids- but seems to resonate more with Robbie.
Today I set up stations in the kitchen and dinning room. Painting at one table, pasta stringing at the next and stickers at the last. This kept his hands and mind busy for a little while. Rob and I are also doing a lot more OT at home. At night we'll wrap him in a blanket and swing him. It settles him down immediately. Of course his sister wants a turn too- but she's lighter so it's a little easier. The struggle continues- but at least I feel that we'll be able to give him more of what he needs. That can only help!!!!!! Right?

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