Monday, July 12, 2010

What is Autism?

There is so much confusion about Autism. Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that lasts throughout a person's life. It is sometimes called a developmental disability. The main signs and symptoms of Autism involve communication, social interaction and behavioral issues. Why is Autism such a difficult disorder? A child with Autism looks like every other child. They don't stand out like those with downs syndrome or some other disorders. When you have an Autistic child people really don't understand the challenges. Why is this perfect looking child having such a severe meltdown or not answering basic questions? It must be bad parenting, spoiled child, etc.

A child with Autism does not retain information as "normal" children do. Robbie needs continual prompts on basic every day skills. How to wash his hands. He knows how- but seems to forget the steps and looks for constant prompts and reinforcement. Potty training- he has repeatedly started off strong and then seems to loose it. He does not like to be wet but if he is not constantly reminded - will not sit on the potty- and then randomly will- without prompts. It is frustrating and makes me worry. The more I read about Autism and talk to other parents ( who are not millionaire celebrities) the more I realize how debilitating this disorder is.

We are in the process of setting up a trust for Robbie. What we haven't said out loud but I think of it everyday- the trust is for our son who may not be able to live independently- ever. We continue to make small advances in some ways and steps back in others. I am watching our daughter develop and she continues to amaze me. Her speech- many times in full sentences and her grasp of concepts. " Why is Robbie crying?" I have explained to my not yet 2 year old daughter that Robbie has trouble getting his words out and gets sad and frustrated. I never would have thought a child so young would comprehend that- but she does. And as she gets older I will continue to explain Autism the best I can. I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you realize how you are helping others with your blog. It's been a very long time since I was in the beginning stages of life-changing diagnosis' with my kids, but I can identify with your feelings. YOU and ROB are awesome parents and Robbie will have a full and happy life because of you. Lexi's understanding and compassion will remain because she's learning that from you. The three of you, along with your family and friends, will make sure that Robbie is always loved, cared for, and happy. Praying for you to feel comfort and strength as you walk through this journey.
