Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I want to thank everyone for the tremendous amount of support and reading material we've received. We are still trying to digest all the information and have been reading things written by adults with autism. What an interesting and scary perspective! " Soon Will Come The Light- by Thomas McKean" Featured on Oprah!

School is in full swing now and Robbie has his routine down. He seems to love school - especially his one on one aide. We've noticed a tremendous improvement in his verbal skills. He will come home from school and tell me a story- most of which I can't understand but as I go through his backpack I generally figure out the gist of it. ( stop, drop and roll was a more recent one- hysterical!!) Robbie is also beginning to eat different foods- or foods he ate as a young toddler. This is exciting because - hopefully- I will be able to sneak vegetables into his diet.
Birthday parties are our latest challenge. For now we are skipping the non family parties. I think a hectic environment would be difficult for Robbie and even more difficult would explaining why he can't have the pizza and cake all the other kids are having.
We're also keeping a close eye on Lexi. I go back and forth with the amount of concern I have for her getting the same diagnosis. Her speech is limited- but she's very smart and picks things up quickly. She spins and looks out of the corner of her eye- but only when Robbie or someone is around to see her do it. So we wait and hope for the best!

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