Saturday, March 17, 2018

OMG!! Robbie's 12 :)

Wow! Again- its been months since I last posted. Life has been very busy with a new - full time - job and the usual busy life of 3 children. But-- Robbie - wow! In all the best sense. Robbie is back in our home district and has flourished. He rides his electric scooter to school along side his sister and friend on bikes. The kids have been welcoming and kind, which is a testament to the wonderful town we live in. Robbie's language and reading ability have increased! He still struggles- especially with reading- but he is sounding things out- in a way he had not been able to before. To put it in perspective - Robbie can't read a book on his own- not even a preschool board book- but with assistance he can read words. He is  great at using his ipad to help him. He'll start typing and autocorrect will find what he's looking for. Using the tools that are available is a large part of Robbie's life skills.
Last week - Robbie's behaviorist and I were talking about his birthday party. This year - Robbie was very specific. He wanted his 3 friends. He wanted to make slime, eat pizza and jump on the trampoline- with flashlights. Ms. Becca ( his behaviorist) asked Robbie who he was inviting to his party? Robbie paused and  said " I don't understand what you are saying."  Ms. Becca rephrased her question- slowly- to ensure he heard. Robbie answered. That was a huge milestone!!  The world moves quickly and sometimes that is hard for Robbie. In the past , there would be meltdowns. Sometimes we did not understand why. If Robbie can communicate- " I don't understand" and can understand once we rephrase and slow down....... HUGE!  Another milestone- I asked a quick question, not looking at him- and he did answer.  Milestone number- I've lost count- Robbie made himself a sandwich.  To most, sounds like no big deal. Robbie has never eaten a sandwich in his entire life.  He would eat lunch meat , cheese sticks, and types of bread separately, but never together. He tried tortellini. He didn't like it- but he tried. He looks at foods and thinks about whether he wants to try them- instead of immediately screaming NO!. Maturity is definitely part of this- but - wow... selfishly- it makes life so much easier, AND MORE FUN!!
Lastly- Robbie's birthday party. He invited his 3 friends. One- a friend he's had since preschool who is on the spectrum ,much more social than Robbie, and the first one to arrive- as he was ready to party!!  A complete joy to have who loves life.. A new friend he's made this year at Neeta who has down syndrome and is one of the most pleasant kids I've ever met. He struggled to get on the trampoline but was content to sit while his friends jumped. The dance moves this boy had - to Pitbull - no less- were phenomenal . And a friend he's had since kindergarten that I sometimes refer to as " his person." While they have differences, they have more similarities and really balance each other out. This is the friend that went upstairs during the "dance" portion of the party due to loud noise but told Robbie to " Relax"  when he was freaking out about loud noise during the " happy birthday" portion of the party. They have a connection. A true friendship. This crew made my heart happy because they make Robbie happy. He talked about " these boys, my friends." I also have to thank my sweet girl Lexi and her friend, who helped with the making of the slime.  Not an easy request, especially when you're not sure who - in a sensory sensitive group- may need extra help- or not like it at all.
Bottom line is- Robbie is thriving.
Happy,learning, making new friendships, while continuing older ones. In our community- where he has been welcomed. Again- my heart is happy.