Monday, June 8, 2015

Things have been uneventful and why.........................................

A very close family friend commented that things must be good because I had not blogged recently. It made me pause. While I said I've just been really busy, which is true. I was thinking about a few times I had tried only to be interrupted by a toddler demanding my full attention, or a work commitment, or exhaustion.  In truth, things have been relatively eventful.  However I do want
to thank all who came out to and supported  the Miles of Hope 5k walk /run in  April to benefit Autism Speaks. It was a fantastic day and over $7,000 was raised to support Autism awareness and research- obviously a cause very close to my heart.
One of the reasons things have been relatively uneventful are with time things do get easier for the following reasons-

1) Acceptance-  of the things Robbie can or will do and those either he can't or won't do. Knowing what situations may too difficult as a family.  Being able to talk about his strengths and challenges to friends and strangers without tearing up (usually) and hearing the support and interest of those who are unfamiliar. Blocking out any ignorance or unkind statement.

2) Trial  - and error- continue to try new things but always have an exit strategy. 2 parents, 2 cars, a friend willing to watch one of the other children should an exit are needed. While we have tried just about every sport- Robbie is beginning to show genuine interest in basketball and soccer. We'll try again.

3) Preparation - pictures, discussion of events with Robbie and/ or arriving early to check out a scenario before he joins. Talking to others about events to know what pitfalls may lie ahead. ( ex. Robbie's fear of horses, so removing him from a party before the pony rides began, yes I said pony rides, it was an amazing party!) 

4) Love- as always putting his needs at the top of the list , as they cannot always come first as 1 of 3 children. Yet we always think about how he may react to a situation and if it is worth the effort.

5) Experience -from us as parents and Robbie himself- knowing when he needs a deep squeeze, a light touch, an extra shower/ tub- for the pressure of the water, a quiet moment.  Luckily many times he can tell us and more times than not he will “hang in there" a bit longer if we are at an event or party.
6) Laughter- Not always easy- but sometimes you just have to laugh. When Robbie decided to lay down in the middle of the hallway at Lexis' school during the art show- I scooped him up- but I did laugh my way to the car. This is our reality. Sometimes it is just- comical.

I am so proud of how far he has come and the kind, thoughtful and funny person he is.
I know there are many bumps ahead, puberty.......( Yikes...) Teenage years.....( Oh noooo) however I am equally fearful of those events with my neuro typical daughter, possibly more so.  With hope, love, family and friends we will get through them, together. Hopefully with more laughter then tears !!!