Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's been a while.....

I have not posted anything in 10 months- not for lack of information. Last spring I began to feel overwhelmed with this thing called AUTISM. The amount of information and lack of direction you are given once you have a child get the diagnosis. While I still feel that way, I do think I have more to say.
Last night I went to dinner with a group of mom's who all have children on the spectrum. Some non verbal, one with downs syndrome and autism and a few with multiple children on the spectrum. What I learned is- we never stop. There is always something new to learn. A different program to research. Some exciting and some depressing- but you never stop. It was nice to be able to laugh with these women about our encounters with ignorant parents, talk of poop, and all the stimming behaviors our kids have. It did give me a sense of comfort that others are experiencing similiar- never the same- experiences. It also made me panic a bit as we are getting to the end of the school year. First grade is a big change- new school, new teacher. Will it provide what he needs? Only time will tell.